I have completed a Pinterest Project!
I had seen the idea a few months ago, and I was finally able to complete it today. Unfortunately I am unable to find the pin that gave me the idea, but it was absolutely brilliant!
I had always seen shadow boxes and wondered how I could possibly find a use for them. I had seen the wedding ones, but I wanted more than that. The picture below is a link if you're interested in looking into getting a frame of your own. ( I would definitely suggest shopping around and using coupons!)
So this is what I did, I kept maps from the trips my husband and I went on or searched for a map online and used it as the background for each of my shadowboxes. I placed pictures of the trip and in one case some seashell and made my frames like windows into our vacations!
I also put on the back of the frames a small post-it label with the date and year so that I can always remember without compromising the look of my little vacation windows. This is like the labels I used, the only difference is that I have the pre-cut labels that come in a little bag.
Hope you liked them as much as I do!
- Mrs. Diaz