Although I have been absent for months (sorry!).... Im back with FREEBIES! Unfortunately I am not the one giving them out, but I'll show you how to get them. Today Im focusing on one of my favorite freebies of all time,
I have always enjoyed reading and looking through magazines, I have even paid (ugh!) for a few subscriptions myself. However, thankfully I discovered one of my favorite Freebie sources...
The wonderful owner of will not only update you on the best deals and freebies out there, BUT he will also tell you what subscriptions are being given out for FREE!
I have already subscribed to all my favorite magazines (Better homes & garden, Vogue, Martha Stewart Living, and Elle) and even some fun ones I would NEVER pay money for! Typically the websites ask you for some basic information and to fill out a survey. The surveys are usually short and deal with consumer goods (nail polish, cars, shoes, etc.) once you're done you should get your first magazine in 6-8 weeks!
Now, I know what's going through your head right now..."what's the catch?"
I honestly haven't found one yet! However, I always read the fine print, even if I have read it before and you should too. Please don't get upset if it doesn't work... Freebies are NEVER guaranteed.
Another great tip is to create a "junk" or freebie dedicated email. Use this extra email for any freebies or contests you enter. (Just make sure you check it just in case you win!) This way you can send all junk email to this email without overloading your daily inbox.
BUT one thing I will warn is that I NEVER and you SHOULD NEVER put your credit card when you request any freebie! If its REALLY free, then a credit card is not required. (Oh and please, please, please... don't put personal information like your social!)
If you need any help...
Just feel free to ask :)
-Mrs. Diaz